Beneficial, sustainable use and recycling of resources!

Minerals / Mining / Metallurgy and OFS filter presses

Filter presses are used from the base material industry to metallurgical digestion processes. The great process variability of chamber and membrane filter presses is an advantage. In order to increase the yield, base materials are broken down or separated to considerably smaller grain sizes nowadays. The process water is equally important as the mine product. Due to the worldwide shortage of water, the minimisation of the used process water plays an increasingly important role. Efficient recycling of the process liquids and safe storage of the residues (tailings) are essential for the life of the local people and the economic existence of the mining areas. This requires an adapted dewatering technology. OFS offers the right solution for every suspension characteristic.



New raw materials, such as rare earths or the increasingly important recycling of valuable materials require new technologies in which filtration has a key role. Besides dehumidification, efficient product washing is often essential. OFS offers, with the use of maximum automated chamber and membrane filter presses, a process design adapted machine to the application. This ensures an optimal product quality with minimum use of resources and operator attention.

Typical applications:

  • Sand and gravel
  • Soil preparation
  • Tailings
  • Lithium
  • Metallurgical processes
  • Battery recycling
  • Rare earths
  • Kaolin
  • Cement
  • Bauxite
  • Iron concentrate
  • Non-iron concentrates (gold, silver, platinum, copper, zinc)

You have questions? We are the right contact.

Filtration is our passion