Filter press spare parts and assemblies
At OFS the continuous development of filter presses and their components has a high meaning. A high quality standard is our top priority. Besides spare and wear parts in OEM quality, we also offer our customers new developments for older filter presses. Decisive for our developments is the improvement of components and assemblies to achieve the best possible machine functionality. Customers benefit from low-wear and thus long-lasting spare parts. An economic advantage to guarantee maximum machine availability.
OFS staff will be pleased to advise you on the selection of the right components for your filter press. Beside the service of our own machines, we also offer our services for other filter press brands.
OFS Offers:
- Plate transport parts
- Carriages
- Drive and deflection stations
- Nozzles
- Brush strips
- Hydraulic parts
- Safety technology
- and much more
We are happy to take over the professional assembly of spare and wear parts for our customers. The OFS service technicians are available globally for yor service.